Agency: Chemistry
Client: Dominos
ECD: Will Benham and Mike Groenewald
CD: Cleo Bess | CD: Lily Stockton
AD: Stooph Wang | CW: Jenna Jones
To launch their new 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese made with penne, Domino’s and their new Mac-scot, Mac, are breaking all kinds of rules in the name of delicious. Yep, he’s a giant mac & cheese noodle who’s actually a giant penne noodle named Mac in the spirit of dissonance and chaos. Watch him bend and break all the rules of this world—because this new 5 Cheese Mac & Cheese is an rule bending, mind blowing, 5-cheese masterpiece that's so good it’ll have you breaking all your own rules in the name of deliciousness.
Mac generated a +400% increase in fan engagement and 10,000 new followers on X in one day with over 8K shares!